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After studying with this and other websites for my written exam. I have decided to create an app for better study. Hope it will make learning for other people easier than it was for me :P Read More at:
This is a VERY helpful resources, with a comprehensive practice test and good explanations.
Q24. What happens to the rpm of the engine when you shift a gear down? this answer you gave of RPM increase is wrong, you worded the question " when you shift a gear down" you have to take your foot off the accelerator, then engage the clutch to shift down, during this shift time the RPM decreases, your question should not state shift it should say when you engage a lower gear, only when the lower gear is selected will the RPM of the engine increase.
Good content helped me to prepare for the driving exam in Thailand. Adding information about paperwork and the whole process would also be good.
Does a foreigner to Thailand require any special handicapped badge and if so, can they use the one from their own country or purchase one in Thailand. If so, where does one get one from?
I personally got to say this isn't like the test at the DLT in bang chak they ask random questions like, if its night and raining and their is fog when should you use the emergency lights: the answer btw is Not to just drive slowly and carefully , I put use headlights and drive carefully.
There are two signs for road narrowing one looks more like a bridge. The defrost signs of front and rear windows was not very obvious, I don't think that this has place in driving license exam. Otherwise the test is very good.
Some of the questions marked as being answered incorrectly were shown as not being answered at all when in fact they were. Other questions came up on the screen as being answered incorrectly and at the same time showing what the correct answer should be when in fact I hadn't even had a chance to answer the question in the first place. These were also marked as being answered incorrectly. Something is wrong on the system somewhere.
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