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@Unknown - Sep 14

Useless test

3 7
@Unknown - Aug 10

Is BOOSHKA a word in russia

1 2
@Unknown - Nov 11

1: At question where asked about parking zone, it has an indicated picture of how the car MUST park. In my case, it must stand straight ahead with its right half on the sidewalk. Now, i can't say how it can be rephraised cause I'm dumb as f- but you can definetly do something, right? 2: at the no-parking sign there is a specific time where this applies. In my case, from 7:00 to 19:00. Can be rephraised as "no parking allowed between times listed above", or you can just keep it like it is now 3: when i answered "defrost front window" it said "wrong, the correct answer was "defrost rear window"" (i just lost one point not a big deal :D) 4: "Entry prohibited (checkpoint)" is not entry prohibited. It has the word "таможня", which is the equivalent to the german Zoll or US Border patrol 5: repeat №3 exept do it with pedestrians prohibited 6: "Warning for a crossroad with side road on the right" is not clear. Form it like this: "Priority over side street on the right ahead" 7: Fun fact: "Begin of a built-up area" is also used with the same another sign, which has no black houses but insead has the city's/village's name 8: repeat 6 but with a crossroad on the left 9: Fun fact: the "End of the built-up area" sign is quite rare. You most likely would see the "another sign" listed in 6 10: "Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right" can be rephrased as "priority next crossing" (just combine 8 and 6) That's all i wanted to point out. I scored 154/159 beacuse of 2 errors (listed in 3 & 5) aswell as 3 incorrect answers of mine. Pretty good job for 159 questions Dev's!

1 0
@Unknown - Jan 14

russia love ponad and how say russia is harder

2 0
@Unknown - May 20


@Unknown - Apr 14

Great tests!

@Unknown - Apr 12

Не профессиональных сегодня. Но завтра мы видл.

@Unknown - Mar 07

is it possible to do theory exam in english

2 -1