With these practice tests you can prepare yourself for obtaining your driving license. The practice questions are based on the official theory exam. Select the correct answer and try to answer all questions correctly. The solutions appear below, try to learn from your mistakes!
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Pleased to say I got 92% even including a couple of stupid mistakes as I have driven in the US at least 3 separate visits.
Some terms were different than my study book, and I found that confusing. Also the car alert signs were something I had not studied at all, good to learn something new.
Below are wonderful knowledge resources for foreigners willing to Drive in Malaysia: Driving in Malaysia: What Foreign National Drivers Should Know? https://driveinmalaysia.com/blog/2022/driving-in-malaysia-what-foreign-national-drivers-should-know/ What Foreign Students in Malaysia Should Know about Driving Licence and its Conversion? https://driveinmalaysia.com/blog/2024/guide-on-malaysian-driving-license-and-its-conversion-for-foreign-students/
when you have a wrong answer the next will be counted wrong too no matter if it's right. This could leed to confusion.
Amazing website with all basic Rules .Much more appreciated and my sincere gratitude .
81/85 as an Italian who never drove in US, wonder if that's enough to pass the licence test there?
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