
Traffic rules

The traffic rules describe how a road user must act on the public road, which includes obligations but also advice on how to drive sensibly and safely. All road users must know and apply the traffic rules.

4. Priority rules

The priority rules indicate who first allowed to drive through. They apply at intersections and narrowed roads.

At an uncontrolled crossroad you must give priority to the right.

At triangular road markings you must give way to all drivers.

Priority to the right

Priority to the right is a right-of-way system, in which the driver of a vehicle is required to give way to vehicles approaching from the right at intersections.

Warning for an uncontrolled crossroad.

Warning for an uncontrolled crossroad, watch out for cyclists and mopeds from left and right.

Give way

A yield or give way sign indicates that merging drivers must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed. A driver who stops or slows down to let another vehicle through has yielded the right of way to that vehicle.

  • Give way means that you must let other road users go first.

Give way to all drivers.

Stop and give way to all drivers.

Main road

If you are driving on a main road, drivers on the side road must give way to you, on the side roads there is a traffic sign with 'give way'. A priority road is a long main road on which you have priority at all following crossroads until the end of the priority road.

  • At a main road, road users on the side roads must give way.
  • The traffic sign only applies to the next crossroad.

Warning for a crossroad side roads on the left and right.

Warning for a crossroad with side road on the right.

Priority road

A priority road is a long main road on which you have priority at all following crossroads until the end of the priority road.

  • On a priority road other road users must give way.
  • The traffic sign applies to all next crossroads up to the end of the priority road.

Begin of a priority road.

End of the priority road.

Traffic lights

By means of light signals, traffic lights control the crossing of an intersection, the access to bridges, tunnels and railway crossings, the access to parking garages and grounds, as well as the access regulation at factories, companies and other closed areas.

Green traffic light

Orange traffic light

Red traffic light

Green traffic light

Red traffic light


A roundabout is a kind of circular intersection in which the traffic continuously drives in one direction around a central island. The drivers at the roundabout always have priority.

  • In a multi-lane roundabout, choose the lane that best suits your destination.

Mandatory direction of the roundabout.

In a multi-lane roundabout, choose the lane that best suits your destination.

Road narrowing

At a narrowing of the road, the road is not wide enough for two vehicles to cross. If there are no road signs, the driver on the side of the obstacle must give way.

  • If there are no traffic signs, the driver on the side of the obstacle must give way.

Road narrowing, oncoming drivers have to give way.

Road narrowing, give way to oncoming drivers.

Warning for a road narrowing on the left.

Warning for a road narrowing.

Warning for a road narrowing on the right.

Priority vehicle

A priority vehicle is any vehicle that is designated and authorized to respond to an emergency in a life-threatening situation. These vehicles are usually operated by designated agencies, often part of the government, but also run by charities, non-governmental organizations and some commercial companies. Emergency vehicles are permitted by law to break conventional road rules in order to reach their destinations in the fastest possible time, such as driving through an intersection when the traffic light is red, or exceeding the speed limit.

A funeral procession and a military convoy also have a special status.

Police signals

At an intersection controlled by a policeman you must obey the policeman's orders.

  • Arm vertical: All road users must stop.
  • Arm horizontal: Road users who come to his stomach and back stop.
  • Arm horizontal: Road users approaching their fingertips or side may enter the crossroad.

Arm vertical: All road users must stop.

Arm horizontal: Road users who come to his stomach and back stop.

Arm horizontal: Road users approaching their fingertips or side may enter the crossroad.