Een overzicht van de kernwoorden over het verkeer. Hier kunt u gemakkelijk kernwoorden en definities opzoeken die u nog niet kent.
This symbol indicates a Lounge or waiting area and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Manual passport control and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Meeting point and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Metro railway station or Trains and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Moneycurrency exchange and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Move hair and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Moving walkway and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Museum and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Natural area with public access and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a News stand, News kiosk or Newsagent and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates No headwear and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates No sunglasses and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Nursery or baby care and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Open passport and place on scanning device and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Packed lunch room and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Park and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Pedestrian underpass and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Pharmacy and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Picnic area and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Planetarium and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Play area and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Port, Ships, Ferries or Boats and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Post, Post office or mail box and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority access for elderly people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority access for expecting mothers and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority access for injured people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority access for people with internal medical conditions and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority access for people with small children and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates a Priority facilities for obese people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for elderly people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for expecting mothers and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for injured people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for obese people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for people with internal medical conditions and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Priority seats for people with small children and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Proceed forward and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Proceed forward and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Quarantine animal and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Quarantine people and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
This symbol indicates Quarantine plant and is part of the of the ISO 7001 (public information symbols). (Source:, CC BY-SA)
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Hallo,ik ben op de autokeuring geweigerd geweest omdat mijn rechter achtermistlicht gebroken is. Daar dit onderdeel tijdelijk onbeschikbaar is,heb ik dit hersteld met kleefband.De mistlichten werken nu allebij en ze hebben de goede rode kleur en toch ben ik opnieuw gewijgerd.hadden zij het recht mij hiervoor opnieuw te wijgeren?Zoja op welke basis? Dank u bij voorbaat.